Another great week.   Today was a beautiful day.  It was a nice break from the heat for the lower grades who don't have air conditioning.  My eighth graders and I took some time outside as a treat, too.  They and the seventh graders faced the homophone challenge.  Both classes were able to amass 250+ homophones this week.  Becuase of their dilligent effort, both recieved brownies as a reward.  Both will have an outside recess, too, a rare thing in junior high. 

Overall, today was a celebration for me.  My family and I are celebrating because we finally sold our house and as of yesterday are moving to a new one.  Yeah!  This made my mood very positive, today.  The excellent students here at TLS were just icing on the cake.  This is all wonderful, but even more wonderful is the gift of eternal life from our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Today in choir we sang several raucous songs, but one was especially meaningful.  See the video below. 

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